Saturday, December 8, 2012

Video Marketing Tools

The explosion in recent years in online video has given rise to a new way of marketing business. It is no longer the case that you have to promote the dry static text sales page. Video has the potential to make your message come alive and there are numerous video marketing tools to help you get there.

Before video came along internet marketers relied on things such as banner ads to promote their products. While still effective, banner ads have declined somewhat in popularity. In the main they are not free and can burn a pretty hole in your advertising budget. A similar scenario exists with advertising on other websites.

People prefer to watch something rather than read a long piece of text. By using video marketing tools you can convert those static text sales pages into an engaging piece of video content. Although time consuming it can certainly propel your business forward. You will need some decent video marketing software to get the job done.

Have you ever used Microsoft PowerPoint as part of your marketing strategy? If not then why not go on a course or grab yourself a training book. Yes it requires a bit of effort to learn and understand it, but you will find it pays dividends. One of the best video marketing tools I find is PowerPoint. Your video marketing ideas and creativity can be put to good use here.

Another tool worth considering is Camtasia. This is more of a video editing tool than PowerPoint and produces exceptional results. You can bring video into the package, trim it, add titles, effects and sound. You can also record the computer screen activity.

Whatever marketing tools you decide to use, you will need to invest in a good quality microphone if you intend to add your voice to your video. It is not absolutely necessary, but some people may prefer to hear a voice speaking out loud the text on screen. Camtasia is worth adding to your arsenal of video marketing tools.

YouTube and video marketing

When you have created your video, you need somewhere to host it. The best place for hosting your video is YouTube. This site is all about viewing, sharing and uploading your videos. You can spend all evening on there looking at the different videos available and sometimes I do just that.

I find more interesting content on YouTube than I do on television. Whatever your interest you are bound to find something of use to watch. It is also a community where you can comment on other videos and share ideas. This site is one of the best, if not the best among the video marketing tools to use.

There are several reasons why it is such a great site. Firstly, YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world. What this means for you is that millions of people day or night around the world may watch your video.

You can also add your website link to the YouTube site. This will enable people who watch your video to click the link and visit your website, resulting in more conversions for you. As video marketing tools go, you will find yourself using it time and time again. It is for sure one of the better video marketing tools available for you to be aware of.

Secondly, YouTube is free so you will not be paying anything to have your video hosted on there. Some other sites will charge and this is not good if you are trying to keep costs low. YouTube is a wonderful tool to use as part of your video marketing strategy.

Thirdly, YouTube is owned by Google and highly thought of. By placing your website link on the site you are getting a highly valuable backlink and making further use of video marketing tools. This is seen as important in the eyes of Google and will help the search engine optimisation of your own website.

If a video interests you then you can email it to your friends. With a single click you can share the video on Facebook or Twitter. You can even take the link of the video and embed it in your own blog so that people can watch it when they visit your site. Having access to great video marketing tools is going to take your business to new heights.

Although YouTube is vastly popular and without doubt the number one video site in the whole world, there are many other sites you can upload your video to. Unfortunately it takes considerable time to upload your video to all these sites.

You have to manually go and create an account at each site and login in each time. Then one by one you upload your video to them. When choosing your video marketing tools think carefully about what they should be capable of handling.

There is a better way to upload your video to multiple sites with one click. There is a service called Traffic Geyser which will take care of this for you. It is not a free service, but there is a free trial.

Another service worth checking out is something called Tube Mogul. This is a free service, but you won't be able to upload any videos that have commercial intent. Whatever way you look at it, these are the kind of video marketing tools you should be considering.

It always pays dividends to diversify your link building. By putting your video on many sites you are able to create backlinks to your website. This is a very good thing in the eyes of Google and will increase your page rank. It will also push your website higher in the search engine rankings. Can you see the benefits and value of these video marketing tips now?

Bookmarking will not drive traffic to your video, but it will help it to get indexed quicker. You should give consideration to video marketing tools such as bookmarking.

Bookmarking will also give it a small boost in the search engines. There are many bookmarking sites around. Some examples are Delicious, Reddit and Digg. Sign up for a free account with these sites and add the link of your video.

Another bookmarking site worth looking at is something called 'Stumble Upon'. This is one of the major bookmarking sites and a site that Google likes. Adding your video link on there will certainly give you good link juice and you will have another set of video marketing tools at your disposal.

Getting your video on page one of Google is not easy and this is a subject in itself. Essentially you will need to do some keyword research and base your video around the chosen word.

You need to optimise the keyword in the video sites as well as for the search engines. It will take time to rank so be patient with your video marketing strategy. Do not be tempted to use any under hand video marketing tools to push your video up the rankings because you will only find it will get shot down in time.


The use of online video brings many benefits to your business. It is always better to diversify your advertising and spread your message in different ways. Google likes to see a good backlinking strategy and a variety of sources used to create the links. Take some time to learn the various video marketing tools out there or get someone to convert those static text sales pages into video for you.

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What Is VLogging?

VLogging is another term for video blogging, A few years ago blogging exploded onto the market. People found they could keep a kind of online diary about themselves by writing regular blog posts. You could also add photos to enhance your blog. Many celebrities jumped on the blogging bandwagon and sent out their daily thoughts to the whole world.

After a few years internet connection became much faster and webcams became a regular part of the computer hardware for many. This gave rise to a new phenomenon - VLogging. This is essentially blogging on camera. This soon became the hip new way to communicate with everyone.

YouTube is great for creating your very own VLog. It's really not that hard at all and you should start to experiment with this. You still have to offer value to the viewer as well as engage with them. By being somewhat interesting you are gaining the attention of the viewer and building trust. If you have done any public speaking you will find VLogging will come easy to you.

Do you need special camera equipment?

Many people will VLog using just the built in camera in their laptops. Some computers even come with the software that will send your finished recording straight up to YouTube. This requires little skill or technical knowhow. Once you do start to get more serious about it all, you may want to look at subjects such as composition and how to take the perfect picture.

What can you Vlog about?

There are so many things you can Vlog about. It's really no different to writing your thoughts down in a blog. You can record how your day has been in a spoken form or even show scenes taken as you progress during the day. This is a kind of day in the life of me video. You can talk about computer games and show the action on screen. How about sports? You may see yourself as a newsperson or journalist and use the camera to record notable events. Work out what is the most fun for you and start your VLog.

Get your video out to Twitter or Facebook. Social media sites such as these offer great potential for traffic. Ensure that your picture is clear and also get close to the microphone for the audio. There is nothing worse than poor picture and sound quality.

If you have a product, company or service to promote you can create a blog and add your video to it. This gains you great respect from the search engines as they look for a variety of content in blogs. Use your VLog to get your message out there and see if it results in more visitors and sales.

Discover The Power of Video Marketing   What Is Stopping You From Making Your Marketing Videos? Well Fear Not, There Is A Solution   Discover: What Is Video Marketing?   More Website Traffic: Use Web Video Promotions   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   The Power of Internet Video Marketing   

Earn Extra Income By Selling Videos Online

Some economies around the world have fallen into hard times. More and more people are losing their jobs everyday and the road to recovery still seems to be very far away. People have to be very creative in order to get by. Luckily, the internet has opened many doors for people to earn a living. Jobs are now available online. More importantly, there are business opportunities available in there.

The internet has taken salesmanship and marketing to a whole new level. It is easily accessible and will almost cost you nothing. That is why we are currently witnessing the birth of a new market place where people can shop for anything they want. Almost everything can be sold in the internet nowadays. And it is gaining a lot of popularity at a very fast pace.

One business opportunity that is popular in the internet nowadays is to sell videos online. And there are lots of ways to this. For the artists or aspiring movie directors, it can be used as a launching or marketing tool to promote their work. They can produce a short film at a very minimal cost and sell it online. In this case, the internet is used to sell videos online to earn money as well as showcase the work of the artist or movie director which could be potentially beneficial to him or her in the future in terms of job opportunities or even a lucrative business endeavor.

Selling videos online is not limited to those who are gifted artists or movie directors. If you believe in a product so much, you can make a video about it and share it to everyone by selling the video online. It does not really matter if the product is originally yours or not. For example, if you are food enthusiast and have an original recipe which you would like to share and make money from, you can make an instructional video about it and sell the video online. Who knows, this might open other opportunities for you as a food enthusiast like going into catering or restaurant business. And even if the product is not yours, you can still make money off it in the same manner as mentioned above. You pick a product, make an instructional video about it and sell it online. What is more, it could also lead to other business opportunity for you. You can be spokesperson of the product, or they will pay you for marketing their product, or maybe you can become a distributor of the highlighted product.

In any case, to sell videos online will not only help you short-term (earning through selling a product) but can also have long-term effect (as a marketing tool). And this is just one of the many things that the internet is offering. You need not worry if you have fallen into hard times. The internet can earn you extra income. There are opportunities for everybody if are not too selective and if you know where to look.

Discover The Power of Video Marketing   What Is Stopping You From Making Your Marketing Videos? Well Fear Not, There Is A Solution   Discover: What Is Video Marketing?   Internet Marketing Videos - A New Way to Communicate   

Video Marketing Techniques for Start-Up Businesses

When you are starting a company, you are not aware of all the things you need to do. You can ask for somebody's help so he or she can assist you through the entire process. One simple marketing strategy a company expert will suggest is to get an SEO company that can help you with your business web site's online popularity. But most of the experts will say, you can have video marketing as your alternative as it is the fastest and most effective way of advertising most especially for you as an owner of a start-up company.

Moving forward, I'd like to enumerate here the online video marketing tips you might like to use. I hope these very simple tips can help your company.

Tip 1

When making your video, make it findable. You will find over 9 billion videos uploaded daily through YouTube and other video marketing sites, and to go beyond your rivals, you have to make your video as findable as you possibly can. How will you do that? Here are what you have to know:

a. Title - you have to make sure your keywords can be seen in your title.

b. Description - your description also plays a very important role in your video. You must make sure your URL is placed at the first line of your description and the most significant thing in the description box is that, you have to take note as much as possible, your description alone contains the keywords you've selected.

Tip 2

Since video marketing jives with social media, make use of this to your advantage. After creating your videos you should make a blog about it. Your blog must have keyword rich title and at least 5% occurrence of keywords in a 500 word blog. Another one is post it on Facebook. Everybody has Facebook and the videos published there catch more interest and can be shared very easily. Next one, Tweet it. You might like to tweet your good content on twitter. Stumble it! This social bookmarking site has constantly been a powerful tool to drive more traffic to your site.

Tip 3

Brand your video. Make your videos more interesting by customizing it. Put on the details that is needed to further develop your video marketing. It is essential your audience finds your videos very eye-catching and very useful to them. In this simple way you can encourage your audience to purchase your products and services.

Tip 4

Deliver your thoughts nicely. I am aware you are in competition with many other businesses. But if you've got a video for your company, Always take in mind to avoid saying anything negative about the other opposing company. Deliver your message nicely to your viewers and let them see the great thing about your product by looking at the sincerity of your speech. Saying bad things about your rival won't help you in your campaign.


By creating a substantial and useful video, and listing the things you have to work with, you'll soon enjoy the rewards of your investment. However, this is just the beginning of your online business' journey, you still have to keep up, and work on it every time to keep or exceed the rank you've got. It's your own choice right now - you, as a business owner, have the power to pick what you think is the best for your business and it is your move right now that can change everything.

Discover The Power of Video Marketing   What Is Stopping You From Making Your Marketing Videos? Well Fear Not, There Is A Solution   Discover: What Is Video Marketing?   What Is Viral Marketing? How It Works and What Makes It Effective   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   5 Tips to Begin Your Web Video Production   

Use a Video Sales Page to Transform Your Sales

At one time the only way of promoting a product, service or business on the internet was via the long sales page. The problem with this method soon became apparent. The potential customer was just not prepared to read through all that text. Thankfully all that is now changing with modern marketing methods. There is a new kind of selling out there now and it is called the video sales page.

Businesses and individuals are already seeing an increase in their conversions as a result of using the video sales page. This technique even seems to work in highly competitive niches such as fitness.

When someone comes to the sales page they start the video playing. After 5 minutes they are willing to watch the video in its entirety and don't feel it is wasted time. Also there are no distractions such as prices which can be off-putting. There is no text to scroll through and no going back and forth over the page looking for the important bits.

Video marketing just plain flat out works. We are starting to see it used more and more in internet marketing. Obviously at some point you are going to have to get to the price of the product or service. It's just like text copy in that respect, but the marketing formula is completely different.

Video marketing has even proved effective when promoting affiliate offers. For example with earnings per click it is possible on a typical sales letter to see an average of $1.50 a click. On a Video salesletter this is likely to move up to an average of $5.00 a click. It is plain to see that video definitely words. The numbers do not lie at all.

The video sales page is without question the best way to sell. You warm up the buyer with your engaging content. He then goes on to watch your entire video presentation. Hopefully it will result in more subscribers and bigger sales for you.

Imagine if you could grab the attention of a potential prospect and turn them into a customer. With a video sales page this is entirely possible. You have at your disposal an extremely potent marketing tool. Video is highly visual and can create a viral effect. More and more people can get to see your video, especially through social media. People can begin to see the message you are trying to convey. Video happens to be very powerful.

There can be no doubt that video definitely converts higher and is the future of internet marketing. If you are not using video in your marketing efforts then you are leaving sales and subscribers on the table. Imagine the business you could be getting by translating all that sales copy into a powerful video message.

You don't need any professional company charging high costs to produce video for you. Take advantage of the services available to you and get ready to propel your business and sales forward.

Discover The Power of Video Marketing   What Is Stopping You From Making Your Marketing Videos? Well Fear Not, There Is A Solution   Discover: What Is Video Marketing?   Small Business Internet Marketing For Increased Sales   The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   Video Production: The History and Use of Viral Videos   

Make Money Online Easily With YouTube

There are several ways to make money online and some of them are easier than others. If you have not had much success with other methods, you should consider making money online with YouTube. If you are not aware, this is the largest online video sharing site and it is visited daily by millions of people all over the world. If you are a newbie, it will not take you too long to learn how to start making money with this video sharing giant.

Get Ready To Learn

Do not be afraid of learning how to make money online with YouTube. All the people who are already making money through the videos that they uploaded were once newbies like you. If you don't have the slightest idea of what to do, you can start learning today. If you are an experienced internet marketer, you can easily maximize your income by adding YouTube to your marketing channels.

How To Start Making Money Online With YouTube

You need to have a website where you have placed your affiliate links and banners before you can start making money with YouTube. Your site should have an attractive landing page with the products or services that you are promoting. If you don't have a website, you can easily put up a free blog. You will then have to register a YouTube account. You can open a new Gmail account or use any old one that you have. You will have to spend time to create a good profile so that people will know that you are a real person.

Your Ad Here - Marketing Your Affiliate Links

In order to market your affiliate links you have to upload videos on YouTube. It is very easy to upload videos unto the website. You should not just pick a random video to upload. You have to upload the type of videos that will attract your target audience. You can make your videos using easy-to-use video creating software. There are several free ones that you can download if you do not have money to buy the paid versions. You can learn how to use the software within a few minutes. Create and upload videos that are related to your niche or business.

For instance, you can make a short "how to" video that will catch the attention of your audience. After the video is uploaded to your YouTube account, write a catchy description and add links to your blog, landing page or website. This is the simple way to make money online with YouTube videos. The visitors that watch your videos will click on your links and visit your site.

That is how simple it is to make money online with YouTube. There are several variations of this method and you can add your own twist. A lot of good eBooks have been written about them. The more interesting your videos are, the better your chances of getting more views. Upload as many videos as you can to increase your chances of getting visitors to your affiliate links.

Discover The Power of Video Marketing   What Is Stopping You From Making Your Marketing Videos? Well Fear Not, There Is A Solution   Discover: What Is Video Marketing?   The Secret To Making Money With Video Marketing   What Is Viral Marketing? How It Works and What Makes It Effective   Why Your Business Needs to Invest in Corporate Video Production   

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